Friday, 29 June 2012

Examination Finished..Holiday Begin..

        I just like the feel of holiday. No need to think about the coming exam. No need to think about which subject to stress on more. No need to think about “ Oh, I’m going to stay up tonight coz everybody does”. Psycho la benda macam tuh. Even I feel like really prepared, they said to me “ hey, kau tak boleh tidur, esok exam kan.” So what ? we cannot sleep just because we have exam eh tomorrow? because frankly speaking. I never stay up during my secondary and foundation. Paling lambat pun pukul 1.00 a.m but most of the time I sleep at 12.00a.m. And Alhamdulillah, I still passed with flying colours. The most important think is to focus in class. Give your 100% attention to your lecture. InshaAllah, time revision you’ll be more relaxed. Cayelah.hehe.

           Last time, during my primary and secondary school, I got excited when there is examination. Seronok gila time tuh. Lagi-lagi time dapat result. Bila result dapat terbaik punya! tuh. Mesti tulis dalam diary.haha. Mestilah, as a wonderful memory during my childhood. But, Kusangkakan panas hingga ke petang, rupa-rupanya hujan di tengahari. As I'm getting older, but size still cute.haha.

Education system seems make my life really hard. I don’t like examination anymore. The most stresssssss day is during revision week. Wah! Seriously, really tension wo! Sebab there are so many thing to cover. Padahal takdela banyak sangat pun. The thing that make it more tension is because “hang tak focus betul2 time lecture”. Tula pasai. Adouiyh. Dats rite! I lost my focus because of unnecessary things. (ehem..adalah). 

Okayh. Next sem I’ll improve that. Just wait and see.( every semester talking about the same thing but tak jalan jugak.haha ).

Excited to become 2nd year student.Yuuuuuhuuuu!

Pray for my luck.

Sayang kamu, I love you, Saranghae, Aishiteru, Wo ai ni, Je t’aime, Ich Liebe Dich, Rak rak <3.

Read on 30 May 2016 : Teruknya grammar den. (tergelak sendiri)

Kau sakit apa weh? ITP? Apa tu?

Alhamdulillah.. Alhamdulillah.. Alhamdulillah.. masih diberi daya dan tenaga untuk menshare kan benda yang sebelum ni aku pun tak tahu akan ...